4 Steps To Pick Office Furniture That Deters The Spread Of Illness In The Workplace

Business Blog

In the process of picking out office furniture for your place of business, there will be a lot of things to consider in the process. One particular thing that is usually important to most business owners is picking office furniture that deters the spread of illness in the workplace. Here are a few steps to take to help you make sure the furniture you get is capable of just that. 

1. Always opt for hard surfaces over porous surfaces where you can. 

You will come across a lot of different materials when you are outfitting your business office with furniture. From wood to composite to plastics and glass, all of these materials have certain attributes that can be desirable or undesirable. One specific thing to look for in office furniture is hard surfaces. Hard surfaces that are not porous are far less likely to hold onto bacteria that is hard to eradicate. Therefore, things like glass top desks and tables would be a better choice than wooden surfaces that are harder to keep clean. 

2. Pay the extra for anti-microbial materials on seating. 

You definitely do not want your employees having to stay seated in hard chairs all day. Many options for antimicrobial seating do exist, so that is not something that is necessary. Picking office chairs with antimicrobial surfaces can be more expensive, but the expense is well worth the added comfort and ease of cleaning. For example, something like a leather-seated office chair is easy to wipe down and sanitize and offers a fair level of comfort. 

3. Consider cubicle implementation where it makes sense. 

If your workplace will work out well with cubicles or dividing walls between workstations, it is always a good idea to invest in these implements and use them. There is a far lower chance of one employee with an illness spreading that illness to their neighbors if there is a dividing wall between the two workstations.

4. Pick desks that are easy to clean. 

Desks that have a lot of grooves and decorative features can be a lot harder to keep sanitary. A simplistic form is always the better option if you are going for office furniture that deters the spread of illness in the workplace. A desk that has a lot of intricate drawer handles and storage slots, for example, would be much harder to thoroughly clean and more likely to hang onto bacteria for longer. 


21 March 2020

Be the Boss: A Business Website

When you run a business, you need to see the marketplace as a war zone. You need to identify what your competitors are doing, and then work to do it better. You also need to plan ahead, hire good people, and put a lot of resources into good marketing. Of course, this all sounds good ― but actually implementing these practices can be a bit harder. The best thing you can therefore do as business owner is always strive to do better. Learn a little more every day, and then apply what you learn. We want this website to serve as one source of information as you go about your learning.